Regular pet wellness care checkups and preventive medicine are a vital part of ensuring that your pet lives a long and healthy life. Eagle Spirit Veterinary Practice offers wellness and preventive checkups for pets through our mobile service van, brings service right to your front door. We serve pet owners in Greeley, CO, and the surrounding area, including the communities of Loveland, Windsor, Timnath, and Eaton. We offer the same level of care that you would receive in a full-service veterinary clinic — right in the comfort of your own home. The preventive services we provide include wellness exams, microchipping and registration, core vaccinations, dental cleaning, and more.
Pet Wellness Care and Exams
Wellness examinations on a regularly scheduled basis allow the veterinarian to conduct a thorough evaluation of your pet’s health. This is similar to a regular physical exam you undergo with your primary doctor — but it’s to analyze your pet’s well-being. The exam can include checking your pet’s eyes, ears, and teeth. The vet will listen to your pet’s heart and lungs for any abnormal sounds. A wellness exam can also be used to detect musculoskeletal problems, neurologic conditions, belly pain, urinary tract problems, and skin or hair coat conditions. When wellness exams are performed on your pet on a regular basis, it allows Eagle Spirit Veterinary Practice to track changes in your pet’s health as he or she ages.

Pet Wellness Care in Greeley, CO
Microchipping and Registration
The American Humane Society has determined that lost or stolen pets are 20 times more likely to be returned to their owners if the pet is microchipped and registered. Eagle Spirit Veterinary Practice offers microchipping and registration as part of our mobile practice. A microchip is about the size of a grain of rice and is implanted in your pet using a large-bore needle. The procedure is similar to getting a regular vaccination shot. The microchip contains identifying information so that you can be contacted if your pet is ever lost and turned in at a pet shelter or veterinary clinic.
Keep your pet healthy and up-to-date with the regular recommended vaccinations. Eagle Spirit Veterinary Practice can immunize your pets based on their ages and exposure risks, as desired or as required by law in your area.
Dental Cleaning
Keep your pet’s teeth strong and healthy with regular professional dental cleanings. These may require general anesthesia. The veterinarian will conduct a full cleaning and examination to maintain the health of your pet’s teeth and gums.
These are just a few of the pet wellness care services provided by Eagle Spirit Veterinary Practice through our mobile vet service van. Contact us today to schedule your pet’s next wellness exam in Greeley, CO or the surrounding area!